Sorry for the three month delay on this one. After absolutely destroying ourselves in the Hell that is Vang Vieng, we hopped on a bus up north to the beautifully named Laotian town of Luang Prabang.
As we were ready for a break from our rock and roll lifestyle, Luang provided us an opportunity to get in touch with our badass outdoorsy sides. We took an hour long motorbike ride out to a big waterfall. At the base of the waterfall, there were smaller pools with neat activities like the above rope swing. You had to walk across a slippery log to reach the rope swing which was incredibly dangerous, but we did it anyways.
Watch out! Six-pack alert and that guy isn't even flexing.
First ever bear plank (Photo was taken before planking was killed).
In addition to having rope swings, there were some mentally handicapped bears at the base of the waterfall. I didn't really know bears could be mentally challenged, but it was confirmed once it made noises that sounded like this lady:
On our way back from the waterfall, we stopped by a rice paddy farm that was full of bulls. This particular bull was also mentally handicapped because he made a bowl noise (growled?) and came charging at us. Bastard is lucky we decided to drive off before we grabbed him by the horns and went Me, Myself, and Irene on him.
Other fun Luang Prabang activities included getting shaved by mentally challenged barbers and riding around with mentally challenged bikers.
I used to think riding on a motorbike would make anyone look cool