Friday, May 20, 2011

Operation Koh Samui (According to Andy, this is a "Meet the Parents" line)

Our "fifteen hour" bus ride from Bangkok to Koh Samui turned out to be the twenty hour bus ride from hell.  The one positive was that the bus showed a whole season of Weeds to start the trip.  The worst part was the bathroom on the bus not draining properly.  We were essentially sitting in a bathroom along with forty other people with a toilet that didn't flush.

Luckily, we've gotten accustom to sleeping in uncomfortable situations.  Here we are waiting outside at 6:00am for a different bus to take us to a ferry.  If it weren't for a group of ten crazy Mexicans we were hanging out with, the ride might have killed us.   Nothing makes me happier than a group of stoner Mexicans who constantly yell in Mexican at each other.  That's a serious statement.

Once we arrived at Koh Samui, we quickly realized prices were much steeper on the island.  For example, stir fried blue crap with Indian curry cost an unbelievable 150 baht ($5).  Island jerks.

One great activity on Koh Samui is playing little kids at Connect Four for money.  This little girl whooped up on Andy and Andrew before losing her life savings to Max.  Unfortunately, they played for double or nothing. She weaseled a win.

Another cool thing happened when we ran into this duo of hookers two nights in a row.  Don't get me wrong we see plenty of hookers every night, but we first saw these girls at a Burger King smashing Whoppers.  The next night, we spotted them eating at McDonalds across the street!  One of them was even eating a Fish Sandwich.  How disgusting is that?  Understandably, they were embarrassed about being spotted two nights in a row being naughty and didn't want to cooperate with the picture.

The only really nice thing about Koh Samui is the beach.  We've been able to catch up on some educational reading and healthy tanning.  After the sun went down, we spent our time playing pool, watching Fast and Furious 5 (badass), and perfecting our dancing skills.  Needless to say, we are really growing a lot as young adults and making the most of our time abroad.

Here is Andrew doing the first American plank on Koh Samui.  As you can tell, Andy was quite amazed and intrigued with his friend's record setting performance (dick).

Here's Andrew prepping for the Full Moon party.

Max's skills were so on point that he was invited to go on the VIP stage.  For some reason, no one else decided to join him on stage.

The night ended with Andrew giving an euphoric scream demanding more bass.

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