Just in case you can't tell from this picture, the food in Hanoi was great. Look at these big boys getting after it.
One night, we got a little weird with it and ate some pigeon, also known as a sky rat. Andy gnawed on the head and found a gushy pink thing in the middle. He tasted it and found it disgusting. He then realized it was the BRAIN!
As a side note, we are all getting progressively dumber as the trip continues (Andrew asked how to spell "thing" this morning). It is likely due to the drinking and lack of protein shakes/lifting tons of weight at the gym. I can honestly say this is the stupidest I've felt in years, and I apologize if the blog posts start to suck.
Here's a crisp shot of the lake in the middle of Hanoi. It was neat.
The best thing about Hanoi was the cheap beer. They call it "fresh beer", and it costs about 20 cents a glass. Sometimes it tastes like a cool Bud Light. Other times, it tastes like warm dog piss.
We had some interesting experiences with the Northern Vietnamese. For those of you who have never seen a movie about the Vietnam war, the US was fighting with Southern Vietnam against the North. So some of these people should clearly hate Americans as we killed their fathers, mothers, cousins, etc. For the most part, everyone was very friendly to us Canadians. They were especially impressed by Andrew's ability to rip a tobacco bong. I don't know how he got so good at that.
Andy made great friends with some Vietnamese kids down an alley way. Here they are representing the peace between the US and Vietnam. You can tell by the look on Andy's face that he is very serious and completely wasted. It is called the Andy Blank Face. They shake with their left hands because it is closer to their heart. Apparently, they also fancied Andy for his good looks as they grabbed his ass and gave him kissy lips when we said goodbye.
Here's a photo of Andrew making friends with some eighteen year old British girls. They were some wankers. Supposedly, Andrew did not tell the two outside girls to grope the girl in the middle. We also randomly bumped into a girl Andy and Max went to college with. Go Loggers!
We spent one of the nights on a boat in the beauty that is Halong Bay. We were on a boat with fifteen other guys and one prostitute. The prostitute was with a French toad face guy. Most of our time was spent listening to a couple Aussies talking about hunting hogs and sharing degrading terms we use to call women. The sights were pretty cool too.
Here's a shot of a cave our guide told us was the way to heaven. My Jew soul will be returning there someday.
This is a sunset shot highlighting Dong Rock. It is unclear whether it was named after the currency or because it looks like male genitalia. It's just another one of life's mysteries.
Here's another pleasant sunset shot.
Finally, we went rafting through some extreme class 5 rapids. You can tell by the immense amount of white water and Andy's O face that it was rather intense.
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