We arrived in Hoi An at 8:00am in the morning and found a three bed VIP hotel for $15 a night. Hoi An is known for its crazy amount of tailors and delicious food. It ended up being one of our favorite stops so far.
Andrew really enjoyed a free cream puff dessert we received that contained a "special filling." Don't worry, he's used to creams on his face. Although Andy also loves white sauces, he fancied a dish called Cao Lo. He ate it at least twice a day.
We also met the Tiger Woods of pool at a bar. He was a chunky little bastard, but the little big guy was damn good with a cue.
The next night we celebrated Cinco de Mayo at a bar. They had a stupid rule where you had to have stuff written on your face (also check out that badass jet ski t-shirt). They didn't have Coronas or tequila, and the Europeans we were hanging out with had never seen a Mexican.
We did have a great time enjoying the night life at Hoi An. So much so, that one night one of us pissed the bed (we will not be providing names). The next night, another one of us pissed the bed! It was a Hoi An miracle! Unfortunately, our room smelled absolutely terrible the next day.
We spent hours everyday at a tailor. We each got a business suit, a party wedding suit, and a lot of shirts. The main tailor loved Andrew and made many grabs at his dong (not the currency).
The beach was about four kilometers outside of town. We would rent bikes for a dollar and ride there after our tailor appointments in the morning. Andrew did lots of radical tricks on the rides that impressed all of the Vietnamese. Max cried a little bit and fell into a construction site minutes after renting the bike the first day. By the third day, he could make it all the way to the beach without being terrified the entire time.
A final great thing about Hoi An was the beautiful sights we were lucky to see. Enjoy some of Andy's top shots!
A river at sunset on our bike ride home from the beach. Beautiful.
A traditional Vietnamese lady relaxing by the beach after a hard day of hassling Westerners.
Two male dogs humping on the beach.
A candid photo of Max enjoying a beer in his hot boys.
A self-portrait of Andy and his beautiful sun-freckled skin.
Miss you guys. I'll bet it was Andy both nights